Hi Guys,
I would like to share an interesting blog post regarding buf2buf wherein you can also copy table buffer to another table in which field names are same as the same i.e table structure should be similar of both the tables.
We can create below method in the Global class:
//Modified method, copy data from one table to another table with similar structure
static void buf2BufByName(Common _from, Common _to)
DictTable dictTableFrom = new DictTable(_from.TableId);
DictTable dictTableTo = new DictTable(_to.TableId);
DictField dictFieldFrom;
FieldId fieldIdFrom = dictTableFrom.fieldNext(0);
FieldId fieldIdTo
while (fieldIdFrom && ! isSysId(fieldIdFrom))
dictFieldFrom = new DictField(_from.TableId, fieldIdFrom);
fieldIdTo = dictTableTo.fieldName2Id(dictFieldFrom.name());
_to.(fieldIdTo) = _from.(fieldIdFrom);
fieldIdFrom = dictTableFrom.fieldNext(fieldIdFrom);
Source: http://mybhat.blogspot.in/2012/07/dynamics-ax-buf2buf-and-buf2bufbyname.html
I would like to share an interesting blog post regarding buf2buf wherein you can also copy table buffer to another table in which field names are same as the same i.e table structure should be similar of both the tables.
We can create below method in the Global class:
//Modified method, copy data from one table to another table with similar structure
static void buf2BufByName(Common _from, Common _to)
DictTable dictTableFrom = new DictTable(_from.TableId);
DictTable dictTableTo = new DictTable(_to.TableId);
DictField dictFieldFrom;
FieldId fieldIdFrom = dictTableFrom.fieldNext(0);
FieldId fieldIdTo
while (fieldIdFrom && ! isSysId(fieldIdFrom))
dictFieldFrom = new DictField(_from.TableId, fieldIdFrom);
fieldIdTo = dictTableTo.fieldName2Id(dictFieldFrom.name());
_to.(fieldIdTo) = _from.(fieldIdFrom);
fieldIdFrom = dictTableFrom.fieldNext(fieldIdFrom);
Source: http://mybhat.blogspot.in/2012/07/dynamics-ax-buf2buf-and-buf2bufbyname.html