Hey guys,
Today, while playing around with Visual Studio templates, I did which had put me in a fix. I had changed some config files and after which I started getting weird errors on VS launch. (Sorry don't remember the exact errors now)
Then I revert the config files from the backup which I had taken before doing the changes still the errors didn't go away. Then it struck me that it's got something to do with the VS cache and on googling I found the below method to clear the cache:
1. Close Visual Studio (ensure devenv.exe is not present in the Task Manager)
2. Delete the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ComponentModelCache directory
3. Restart Visual Studio.
You should change the VisualStudio/14.0 to the version of visual studio you are using. I am using VS2015.
Credits: https://github.com/Codealike/Codealike-KnowledgeBase/blob/master/clear-visual-studio-component-cache.md
Today, while playing around with Visual Studio templates, I did which had put me in a fix. I had changed some config files and after which I started getting weird errors on VS launch. (Sorry don't remember the exact errors now)
Then I revert the config files from the backup which I had taken before doing the changes still the errors didn't go away. Then it struck me that it's got something to do with the VS cache and on googling I found the below method to clear the cache:
1. Close Visual Studio (ensure devenv.exe is not present in the Task Manager)
2. Delete the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ComponentModelCache directory
3. Restart Visual Studio.
You should change the VisualStudio/14.0 to the version of visual studio you are using. I am using VS2015.
Credits: https://github.com/Codealike/Codealike-KnowledgeBase/blob/master/clear-visual-studio-component-cache.md