Hi Guys,
Today we faced this in our production environment. A particular PO had developed this issue wherein whenever a user clicks the Invoice button system would throw the error "The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.".
While debugging, I came to know that this had something to do with Source Document Line records. So I tried looking for a solution on the web and got the below job which works perfectly in deleting the orphan records from SourceDocumentLine:
static void aks_fixOrphanedSourceDocumentsHeader(Args _args)
SourceDocumentLine sline;
SysDictTable table;
PurchTable header;
PurchLine purchline;
PurchId purchId = "WPFO1617-0001218";
boolean fix;
Common rec;
int fieldId, found, notfound;
if (purchId)
while select purchLine where purchLine.PurchId == purchId
while select forUpdate sline where sline.ParentSourceDocumentLine == purchLine.SourceDocumentLine
table = new SysDictTable(sline.SourceRelationType);
rec = table.makeRecord();
fieldId = fieldName2id(sline.SourceRelationType, "SourceDocumentLine");
select rec where rec.(fieldId) == sline.RecId;
if (rec.RecId)
info(strFmt("Record Match Found %1 %2", table.name(),rec.caption()));
info(strFmt("Orphan Found %1", table.name()));
info(strFmt("Found %1", found));
info(strFmt("Orphans found and deleted %1",notfound));
found = 0;
notfound = 0;
Credit: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/f/33/t/144316
Today we faced this in our production environment. A particular PO had developed this issue wherein whenever a user clicks the Invoice button system would throw the error "The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.".
While debugging, I came to know that this had something to do with Source Document Line records. So I tried looking for a solution on the web and got the below job which works perfectly in deleting the orphan records from SourceDocumentLine:
static void aks_fixOrphanedSourceDocumentsHeader(Args _args)
SourceDocumentLine sline;
SysDictTable table;
PurchTable header;
PurchLine purchline;
PurchId purchId = "WPFO1617-0001218";
boolean fix;
Common rec;
int fieldId, found, notfound;
if (purchId)
while select purchLine where purchLine.PurchId == purchId
while select forUpdate sline where sline.ParentSourceDocumentLine == purchLine.SourceDocumentLine
table = new SysDictTable(sline.SourceRelationType);
rec = table.makeRecord();
fieldId = fieldName2id(sline.SourceRelationType, "SourceDocumentLine");
select rec where rec.(fieldId) == sline.RecId;
if (rec.RecId)
info(strFmt("Record Match Found %1 %2", table.name(),rec.caption()));
info(strFmt("Orphan Found %1", table.name()));
info(strFmt("Found %1", found));
info(strFmt("Orphans found and deleted %1",notfound));
found = 0;
notfound = 0;
Credit: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/f/33/t/144316