Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hide any file inside an image file

This a small steganography hack that is fun and sometime really useful,  when  you want to send some file over internet, but upload of only image  file  are allowed on that server.
First here is the definition of stenography from Wikipedia. 
Steganography   (Listen) is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a   way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects   the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity.  The  word steganography is of Greek origin and means “concealed writing”  from  the Greek words steganos (στεγανός) meaning “covered or  protected”, and  graphei (γραφή) meaning “writing”.    

In  short, when you  see the file it's just a normal image, but it has some  hidden message  inside it, or in general it can contain anything, even a  whole movie.

There  are lots of tools available for this  purpose, but we can do it using  what we already have just the command  prompt in windows.
The requirement
  • The image file
  • The file to be hidden, the zip file
  • Command prompt
The image I will be using is this

and I want to hide a Ms word file and a Pdf behind this image, Select both the file and send to a Zip file.

  1. Place the zip file and the image in a folder , I am placing it on the desktop.
  2. Open   cmd(command prompt) and then go to the directory where both the files   are. Like for example, in this case, it's "desktop". So you might need   to type cd desktop 
  3. Now type copy /b imagefilename + zipfilename [filename with extensions], here is the image for clarity.
  4. Now   the size of the image will increase, what this is doing is simple,  just  appending the second file to the first file and that /b is to  specify  that it is a binary file.
Opening The file
After   copying, the image file size will only increase, but it can be opened   normally and no difference will be seen except the size. To open the  Zip  file, open this image with any Zip tool like 7zip, winrar, or winzip and you can find all the files there, just extract it wherever you want.

Creating wifi hotspot in Win7 or Win8

You don't need connectify or any other software for it. Also, you can save yourself from that 90 minutes counter in connectify. 

All you need to do is run the following two commands in cmd - 

Open cmd with Run as Administrator.

1) netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=wifiname key=wifipassword

2) netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Best solution - Make a batch file of it and just run the file every time when you start the pc. 

To make a batch file -

First write the commands on a notepad

Then save it with the extension bat.  e.g. wifi.bat

Your batch file is made and now execute the file with Admin Privileges.

Important - For this to work, your sharing should be on in network properties for   the network/ethernet connection that you want to share through your   wifi:

Go to Open Network and Sharing Centre ->Change Adapter Settings(On left panel)

Your wifi hotspot would be Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adaptor in the Network Connections.

Go to the properties of the LAN/ethernet/WiFi connection and make the changes accordingly.

Your wifi hotspot would be ready. :)

To stop the wifi hotspot - 
Write the following in command prompt : netsh wlan stop hostednetwork.

For those having trouble with creating hotspot on their dongles:
If you have tried the above steps and its still not working for you then you will have to unlock your dongle. Unlocking simply means downloading any other third party dialer which will work on all network operators.

Just   change the file format [(mp3|wma|aac|flac) part] to your required   format and you will get a search result of sites containing direct   download links to your search query. Enjoy!

View restricted content in Youtube

For the best experience, full screen is the best mode, but it has an inherent drawback that we can't switch to other tabs during this mode with one click.

The remedy is to replace "watch?v=" with "v/" in the video URL, to get the full screen tabbed viewing mode:

For example
instead of:, type:

You can also use this trick to view the restricted content, without signing in!

Download Videos

Some sites don't allow to download their video content without signing in or do not have facility to download at all.

So without using any extension or downloader, here is how to do this..

  1. Goto that page.
  2. Press ctrl+shift+i or right click and select Inspect Element.
  3. Select the Network tab and refresh the page & play the video to get content status.
  4. You can sort the content by TYPE (tab), to easily get the video link at the bottom under the NAME(tab).
  5. Double click the video link. Voila, your download will start.
Works fine with many sites. Enjoy :)